Tuesday, March 17, 2009

No Fast Food

In addition to taking on a daily Bible study and devotional I gave up all things fast food for Lent. I cannot tell you how amazing I feel! I have energy galore and I feel truly satisfied with what I am eating. I am making better choices and I'm conscious of what I am eating. 

I slipped up on Saturday because my mother bought Bo*Jangles for the family and I felt bad that she spent that money and I wasn't going to eat with her. I had the delicious fried chicken, but it wasn't as tasty as I remember it being. I also had cole slaw, dirty rice (they call it dirty for a reason), and green beans. The green beans tasted completely like ham and fat drippings. YUCK! 

I encourage you all to try a fast food free diet for a couple of weeks. It really makes a difference in the wallet and the waistline!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you. I usually eat pretty healthy. I do not like a lot of greasy food, but I have a downfall.....ice cream :)
What an accomplishment!
Blessings~~~ Danielle