Happy Birthday to me! I have confidence that this will be a great year. It is MY year.
Here is a list of things I would like to accomplish and habits I would like to adapt over the next year.
1-Train for and finish a 5k race.
2-Learn to sew.
3-Learn to enjoy sewing.
4-Be fiscally responsible and save money.
5-Cook at least two meals a month for my family.
6-Make a piece of
wall art (
7-Take at least 6 classes towards my masters degree.
8-Re-learn to play the piano.
9-Practice reading music.
10-Visit friends more often.
11-Keep my closet and drawers organized.
12-Write more Thank You notes.
13-Use my YMCA membership.
14-Finish every scrapbook that I start.
15-Give handmade cards for all birthdays, holidays, etc.
16-Recycle more. (Which includes convincing my grandparents to recycle their stuff too!)
17-Drink more water.
18-Hike several sections of the Appalachian Trail.
19-Go see the gingerbread houses at the Grove Park Inn.
20-Go whitewater rafting at least once.
21-Let my hair grow out.
22-Practice Pilates basic mat at least three times per week.
23-Plan a trip out of the country.
24-Plan an awesome 25th birthday bash.
25-Be creative everyday.